While our teams were busy digitally transforming our clients’ processes, we realised that, like the cobbler in the proverb, we were so busy making shoes for others that we were shoeless ourselves. Our Operations team spent hours every month manually preparing staff utilisation reports for the Board of Directors.
We needed to make information smarter so that the Operations team could give the Board actionable knowledge for informed decision making
With our Adopt Digital Fast business solution you will be able to innovate ahead and get everyone behind you
Using intelligent information management, in only two weeks we ripped out 30 hours a month of manual data manipulation and gave those hours back to an Operations team with better things to do. We combined the power of Cloud SaaS, open-source and proprietary systems to improve the process from the ground up.
The Board of Directors were able to make resourcing decisions that increased project profitability by 20%, thanks to more accurate data and insights and a better understanding of the drivers of staff utilisation trends.
We are passionate and share the joy of igniting ideas to fuel business visions. We are confident and are not afraid to boldly go where we’ve never been. We are also very friendly and approachable people who love to solve problems. Give our curious intelligent learners a challenge and we will make it work.
[fa icon="phone"]+44 (0)203 743 8014
[fa icon="phone"]+44 (0)203 875 5669 (Support)
[fa icon="envelope"]info@infomentum.co.uk
[fa icon="map-marker"]4th Floor
68 King William Street
London, EC4N 7HR, UK