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Describe your process

To receive an accurate estimate for your complete automation solution, please describe the process you are targeting for automation. Understanding the specifics of your current operations will allow us to calculate potential ROI gains and outline the timeline to deliver a fully-operational, automated system in a production environment.

For a more detailed discussion and to kickstart your automation journey, please contact us today.

Process Name
Name of the process that would benefit from being automated.
Please select your answer.
Process Description
Short description of what steps are involved in the process.
Please select your answer.
1. How many people are involved with the process?
This is the number of people that take an active role in completing the process, such as anyone that takes an action or makes a decision, etc. Don't include any passive participants, eg if someone will be receiving an email or an IM message, they don't need to be included.
Please select your answer.
2. How many steps are in the process?
A step is an activity that is usually completed in one go. For example, “Sending an email” is a single step, or “Scan the spreadsheet”. Don’t include any supporting actions, such as “Log on to email”.
Please select your answer.
3. How structured are the documents?
Structured documents, or inputs, are those that a robot will find easy to understand. These are usually document types that obey strict formatting and character rules, such as CSV files, or Excel Spreadsheets. PDF documents can be considered as having 'some structure' if the layout will always be the same, eg invoices from the same supplier
Please select your answer.
4. How simple is the process?
Simplicity is a measure of how many variations there might be for a given process. If for example a process always has the same 5 steps and no exceptions, then it's a simple process. If on the other hand if the robot would have to make a choice, based on some input, or if had to handle specific error scenarios, then it has some complexity to it.
Please select your answer.
5. How many systems or applications are involved?
Consider how many systems or applications would be providing inputs or receiving outputs from the process. Think only in terms of the application or system that the bot would be interacting with. For example, sending an email requires only 1 application - the email client itself. It does not include a 'mail server or any other back-end system as the bot would not interact with them directly.
Please select your answer.
6. What kind of systems apps are involved?
Select the kinds of applications and systems that are used the process.
Please select your answer.

Summary of your process

Calculated results

Based on you answers, we estimate your complete automation solution can be delivered in . This includes analysing your existing process to calculate potential ROI gains, right through to delivery of a fully-operational, automated solution in a production environment. For more details, get in touch to start your automation journey today.

Detailed result explained

We use a complexity matrix to help estimate how long it takes to deliver an automation journey, based on the information you give us. This calculation is based on two factors: Effort and Complexity. The Effort component helps us understand the size of the process in terms of how many steps there. Each step is typically an input, an output or an action. The Complexity component helps us understand what factors can extend the implementation journey, in terms of additional error handling, decision branches, processing unstructured datasets, etc.

We use the complexity calculation as a multiplier against the effort calculation, to give a more realistic illustration of what we expect your final implementation journey will look like. Remember, complex processes can often be resolved into smaller, simpler processes, that are easier to estimate and easier to implement - meaning your automation journey might be better resolved as a collection of fully automated RPA bots, working together to deliver a complete solution. Why not get in touch to see what benefits automation could bring to your business.


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